Do you know what can cause dental bridge failure? If you’re unfamiliar with this idea, it’s an unfortunate reality for those who do not take proper care of their customized restoration. Although they’re not meant to last forever, they should remain firmly in place for more than a decade. Here are three reasons a dental bridge may not last as long and what you can do to keep it from failing.
3 Reasons for Dental Bridge Failure
The average dental bridge can last between 10-15 years but only if you take proper care of it. Failure often occurs for several reasons. Some can occur as a result of oral hygiene neglect while others may be of no fault of your own.
The most common causes for dental bridge failure are:
- Lack of Support: When the abutment teeth used to support the dental bridge are lacking the necessary structure, it can cause your teeth to become unbalanced. As a result, trauma from chewing and biting down on the restoration occurs and leads to failure.
- Poor Oral Hygiene: If you’re neglecting your regular dental hygiene routine (i.e., brushing, flossing, rinsing), your dental bridge can fail. You must brush twice a day for two minutes and floss daily to prevent bacteria from reaching vulnerable areas of your smile. It’s important you learn how to properly perform these tasks to keep your restoration in good shape.
- Unhealthy Lifestyle Habits: Eating ice, chewing on inanimate objects, and using your teeth as tools can put your restoration at risk for serious damage. While they’re capable of withstanding normal day-to-day pressure, these bad habits often place unnecessary pressure on the bridge, causing chips, cracks, and breaks to occur.
Other potential causes of dental bridge failure include a lack of bone support, infrequent dental checkups, and weaker restorative materials.
How to Avoid Dental Bridge Failure
To avoid the potential for dental bridge failure, you’ll need to commit to taking care of your new smile. This requires being diligent about your oral hygiene routine and continuing to see your dentist for regular checkups and cleanings. Professional dental care is equally as important as at-home dental practices, so don’t continually reschedule or cancel because of time, money, or fear.
You’ll also need to give up unhealthy habits that can easily damage your restoration and cause you to spend additional money to fix your smile. This means keeping sugarless gum nearby should you feel the urge to chew on a pen or pencil or eat ice. Also, if you’re struggling to floss or brush correctly around your dental bridge, ask your dentist for help. They will show you how to properly clean your restoration to keep bacteria out.
Keeping these tips in mind will do more than just help you maintain your dental bridge for longer. They’ll also work to improve your oral health as a whole, giving you the opportunity to feel confident in your newer, healthier, smile.
About the Author
Dr. Gary Rosenfeld completed his doctorate at Columbia University Dental School in 1984 before completing a General Practice Residency at Sea View Hospital on Staten Island. Dr. Rosenfeld works hard to help patients better maintain their customized restorations. Apart from using top-notch materials, he also equips individuals with detailed information regarding how to properly care for their new teeth. If you believe your dental bridge may be at risk for failure, visit ourwebsite or call (631) 286-9000.