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Dietary Choices To Avoid Seeing an Emergency Dentist During the Pandemic

May 11, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — islanddailydentalcareteam @ 10:07 am
A healthy lunch being made with tips from an emergency dentist in Medford

Being in quarantine during the COVID-19 pandemic can be stressful, to say the least. While dentists are still open for emergency care, no one wants to have a dental emergency in the midst of everything else going on. And, especially when you learn that an estimated 27% of Americans already have untreated cavities, you can understand the importance of reaching for the right foods to minimize your risk of toothaches and other problems. Keep reading to learn how the right dietary choices in quarantine can help you avoid seeing an emergency dentist in Medford!

Foods That Increase the Risk of Dental Emergencies 

You certainly don’t have to avoid these foods entirely, but try to minimize them and/or brush your teeth right away after having them:

  • Anything sticky – Sticky foods like gummy bears, jelly beans, caramel, and taffy not only contain a lot of sugar but also stick to your teeth, greatly increasing your risk of cavities. They can also dislodge a filling or other dental work. 
  • Popcorn – You would be surprised at how many people have needed an urgent dentist in Medford after breaking a tooth (or dental work) by chewing on popcorn kernels 
  • Candy – Suckers, lollipops, and other hard candies dissolve slowly, exposing your teeth to sugar for a long time. And sour candies are twice as harmful because they contain sugar and acids that wear away at your enamel even faster.  
  • Coffee and alcohol – These beverages are acidic and sometimes sweetened with sugar as well, so have them in moderation.
  • Acidic fruits like lime and lemon – Drinking acidic lemon or lime water too frequently wears away at your enamel and increases your risk of decay and tooth sensitivity. 
  • Dried fruit – Dried fruit contains a lot of sugar and also has a sticky texture that adheres to your teeth.

Foods For Good Dental Health In Quarantine

Here are some foods you can enjoy freely at this time without worrying about harming your dental health:

  • Cheese
  • Lunchmeat or salami
  • Hard-boiled eggs with sea salt
  • Guacamole or plain avocado
  • Fresh fruit and vegetables 
  • Leafy greens (in salads, sautéed, etc.)
  • Nuts (however, since nuts are crunchy, be mindful to chew carefully if you have a lot of dental work)

Everyone can agree that quarantine has its ups and downs, and the last thing you need right now is a dental emergency. By minimizing foods that increase your risk of toothaches and other problems, you’ll have a better chance of staying out of the dental chair right now!

About the Author

Dr. Gary Rosenfeld has more than 35 years of experience as a general and emergency dentist in Medford. He knows that prevention is the best strategy for good oral health, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, and always provides tips for preventing cavities and other oral health problems before they start. If you need emergency dental care or have any questions, you can contact him via his website.

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